

The G-CAM® is designed to give accurate information to help operators minimise carbon-in-ash when controlling a boiler and to identify causes of poor combustion settings.

The G-CAM® utilises the latest microwave techniques, measuring the microwave absorption and phase shift over a range of frequencies. The system is designed to take rapid multiple isokinetic samples across the economizer ducting, directly after the combustion process and it has been designed to collect over 2kg of samples per day for on-line analysis. It. employs stainless steel ash transport lines from ash ducting which are heat traced above the dew point of the ash which prevents blockages to the ash sample lines and keeps the ash free flowing in the system.

The G-CAM® has also been designed to provide automated physical samples for lab analysis if so desired.

The benefits of the G-CAM® carbon in ash monitor are:

  • Accurate and repeatable carbon in ash measurement
  • Latest microwave absorption and phase shift measurement techniques
  • Suitable for all coal types
  • No load cells or density measurement
  • Low maintenance
  • Rapid iso-kinetic sampling
  • Up to 6 multi-point sampling capabilities
  • Increased handling rate up to and over 2Kg per hour
  • Touch screen control
  • Self protecting against boiler oil burning shut down and start up
  • Automated, sample segregation for lab analysis
  • Reports duct temperature at collection points for analysis of ash behaviour
  • Unaffected by change in coal type or colour The G-CAM is typically located before the air heaters, the system arrangement can have 1 or 2 cabinets per boiler and up to 6 sample points, essentially doing a full back of boiler duct traverse with up to 16 equally-spaced measurements per hour (using 2 G-CAMs®).

Multiple points should track each other for a well set-up boiler, giving an operator feedback that changes to load, O2 and coal type are reflected in the information given by G-CAM®.

Alternatively, a gradient change in carbon across the boiler from multiple probes allows engineers to track down specific burner issues, poor coal distribution, milling size or over- fire air settings

The system intelligently uses dry air to defend the system at boiler start up, and only starts sampling automatically when the complete system is hot enough to guarantee smooth ash flow.

Air is blown through an eductor which creates suction from the cabinet.